Advanced Biblical Counseling

Would YOU Welcome Counseling?

     Before you answer that, did you know that it can be done without records being kept? That’s right! No recordable history of you seeking help for psychological help or showing a need for spirituality. So many today are in fear of what others think of them, and for good cause! Careers are made and broken over one’s reputation, and that’s something worth protecting!  

     So we understand that its common practice for counselors and psychologists to keep meticulous records for the health profession, and for their own legal liabilities in association with insurance guidelines. But the alternative to this is a community dedicated to God! With all the religious abuses being revealed these days, is it wise to turn to a religious source for counseling though?

     Think about this first though. Moses who was sent by God to lead His people, and counsel then “in groups of fifty” eventually as approved by Him. Then in the nation of Israel, the king was the seat of God; in judgment and counsel of the people. Later; Christ also advised and counseled his disciples on spiritual and behavior matters. Paul too, did likewise; and the Apostolic Fathers after him.

    Thus, if we are to accept God’s; love, grace, and blessing it is imperative to receive Biblical Counseling from His perspective! We’ll need to check the source of counsel, to make sure that it’s not; secular by the world’s changing standards, religiously sectarian, or compromised by the personal preferences of a self satisfying clique.