If these sort of things can happen

to a peaceful religious community

like these conservative Christians,

what could be the future “fate” of

such non-christian groups?

Amish couple in a horse-drawn buggy in rural H...

Image via Wikipedia

Federal authorities raided the compound of a breakaway Amish group and charge seven men, including group leader Sam Mullet, with hate crimes. “We’ve received hundreds and hundreds of calls from people living in fear,” he said. “They are buying Mace, some are sitting with shotguns, getting locks on their doors because of Sam Mullet.” Members of the Amish community in;  Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana, were frightened by recent hair-cutting attacks. —MILLERSBURG, Ohio (AP)

Mullet allowed the beatings of those who disobeyed him, made some women sleep in  chicken coops and had sexual relations with some married ones to “cleanse them.” Several members of the group in eastern Ohio carried out the attacks by forcibly cutting the beards and hair of Amish men and women and then taking photos of them. Mullet’s complaint about the other Amish bishops is that: “They changed the rulings of our church here, and they’re trying to force their way down our throat, [to] make us do like they want us to do, and we’re not going to do that.”

U.S. Attorney said that religious differences are a matter of theological debate, not… violent attacks.” The men appeared in U.S. District Court in Youngstown, ordered detained by the U.S. Marshals and carry a possible penalty of up 10 years in prison. Authorities said before that some Amish refused to press charges, following their practice of avoiding involvement in the courts, and that: “It is not the victim’s job to decide or to bring charges. I think that’s a message I would like people to understand. These charges in this case are the result of our independent determination that crimes occurred.”

Since governments are willing to prosecute Amish extremists, this doesn’t bode well for certain white Christian and fringe Jewish sects! Not only has this event shocked the West, but it has drawn the attention of Muslims in the Middle-East and around the globe!

See YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O17DvzFxn_s