Archives for category: Protests

2011: “Year of the Protester


Anti-Chen Protest Day 32 - Million Men March

Image by My Hourglass [Cloud]

   What will Protesters demand next? Like any thing in life: “be careful what you ask for, you may get it” and something not wanted along with it! Some have posted foreclosure notices on banks in one American state. Maybe protesters will want to ban politicians from government as conditions develop! Since layers have stated that corporations aren’t human and don’t have the same rights as us; won’t people start to say: “Aren’t politicians also part of an evil system that’s not human?” Their paid and given privileged rights as a governing body. Yet many are letting their citizens descend into financial decay, while these officials are living lavishly! – Ecce. 8:14

     Time Magazine’s person of the year (2011); is The Protester. In its article, Kurt Anderson stated that: “the End of History, summed up by Francis Fukuyama‘s influential 1989 essay declaring that mankind had arrived at the “end point of … ideological evolution.” That was is reference to triumphant “Western liberalism.” If that started to occur in the Arab world then, what accounts for the growing demonstrations now in the west? The Western’s ideology has failed its own citizens, right? – 1 Cor. 3:19

    But what about the north-eastern part of the globe? In Russia; the people have taken to mass demonstrations over voter fraud. Even before that these citizens were calling their politicians: “thieves and crooks!” They also describe their government as: “a crime syndicate” and “a mafia-like organization.” Then there’s China; revolts in two provinces have shaken that country. Tens of thousands of people are rising up because of corrupt officials. Local government has seized farmland without proper compensation, or none! Privet corporations are always the main benefactors. These helpless people have watched this happen for too many decades and can’t take this crooked abuse anymore! –Lu. 21:9

    It’s been noted in news reports that because of social media and twitter, a new sort of citizen is emerging in every corner around the globe. They are aware, connected and more able to make informed decisions. They’re increasingly concluding that the states affairs are incompatible with modern man. Since these old styles of ruling did not include, studies in the humanities, they have outlived their usefulness! Yet; what will take their place; perhaps experts in the field finance and management, or professors of sociology and history, or maybe well-studied technocrats? It would seem so. But don’t be too surprised; if not much beyond that, something much more gruesome grows from the top! Of course it’s not the protesters. –Da. 8:9-12

Read more:,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html #ixzz1h7jmMTm3,0,4358863.story

Politicians have made stock trades before the crash!

     Dear readers, I appeal to you. Do not continue to believe the lie! The first lie told to mankind was told by the Devil. He claimed that man could rule himself without the help of God. To answer this false statement, our Creator has allowed time to prove Satan to be wrong. One example of current events is a case in point; men can’t be trusted to govern properly.

     Politicians have passed a law that makes them exempt to the same rules as the public that elected them. They have quietly given themselves the power to game the system, and many have made millions. It’s an unreported form of “insider trading”, but worse still; they also make policies that affect the market!

     When you consider the fact that lobbyists give stock to Politian’s as gifts, it becomes clear that they will legislate in concert with the stock’s best interests. That puts governmental officials in bed with corporations, and the public is paying the fee for the whore! Honest people are losing everything in the markets, as these evil crooks are laughing in shameless luxury.

    Now if that isn’t a crooked scale, I don’t know what is! There’s no balance there, all for the wicked, none for the hard working populous. For years people have said that these ones new logo is: “In MONEY we trust.”  You could say they have a longing to commit evil deeds if there’s “something in it for” them. It’s quite apparent that the proof to that statement has reached new heights.

   Throughout the course of man’s rule, it has eventually been the evil that have won all the booty. Historians have noted that humankind is in search of a mythical utopia of his own making. There’s no way that our ‘modern’ governments can achieve this idealist goal. Unless; of course, they have the manipulative “works of the Devil” as a hidden force of evil backing them!

Applicable Scriptures:

“Do not put your trust in nobles, nor earthly man.” Ps. 146:3               The love of money is the root of injurious things.” – 1 Ti. 6:10            “Love does not work evil to [our] neighbor.” – Ro. 13:10                       “He who carries on sin, [does] works of the Devil.” – 1 Jo. 3:8

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See Also:

  1. Freakonomics » Politics Pays: Evidence of Insider Trading Among 
  2. politicians get away with insider trading
  3. Insider Trading: Illegal for You and I, Not for Politicians | Steadfast 
  4. News for politician’s insider trading
  5. Well, There’s Your Problem Right There … Insider Trading Rules 



People around the globe are “fed up”, with mistreatment from those who have power over them. More of us are better informed, more connected, and intelligent enough to live by higher standards. The question then becomes; if the world’s elites are so educated: “Why are they not acting wisely? For what reason do they behave as if no standards exist? And how long do they think they can gather up all of earth’s resources, before the people are left with nothing?” “The weak, are caught [up] in the schemes… of the arrogant.” -Ps. 10:2

Specific complaints are; militarized control, “special interest” manipulated by lobbyists, tax breaks for millionaires, corporate kick-backs, and government money for ‘Banksters’.  It all amounts to “class warfare”, and one interviewee said; “And we (the people) have lost!” Though world trade is down, in so-called “free countries”, some corporate profits have sky rocketed, and many politicians are fighting vehemently to keep it that way! The development of organizations by women is no surprise; like Citizens United. “Wicked men crave evil, his neighbor gets no mercy.”  -Pr. 21:10

Modern examples of social change shows the disparity between the innocents, and of those who violently rebel. There’s allot more rulers who got into power with guns, than societies being changed through peaceful discourse. Armed conflicts that turned into governments; French Revolution, American Revolution, Mexican Civil Wars, Contra Warfare, Soviet Union’s collapse. There’s been peaceful protesters who’ve been abused by their governments; the Asian movement, “The Arab Spring”, Greek protesters, the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Civil unrest of all sorts will be taking place at once. -Mt. 24:6

In several countries in the middle-east a denial of relations between families is common when religious dialogue occurs. This condition has caused brothers to kill brother; not unlike western Peoples of old. Fighting has broken out between Coptic Christians and Muslim groups; even churches were burnt and Mosques were raided as police have gotten involved. No matter where we live in the world though; it’s important to live according to God’s will. Otherwise we will die at the hands of our own brothers; it can happen to the poor, to students or royals alike! -Hag 2:2

How long can people in positions believe that force is the only way the effect change? Just how can government officials claim that they run a civilized cabinet when they resort to poisonous party discourses and refuse to work out their problems? The world’s rulers can no longer sell its citizens the idea that we’re living in “society”, when only one percent makes all the decisions! What follows next will be on a world scale, not just in a few countries. No government will be able to help another kingdom; they will all be in turmoil! It will be chaos like never before in recorded history, and be more global than the world wars! -Ps. 2:1

There’s been many science fiction writing, and films; one entitled “1984″, with ‘Big Brother’ watching the populous. Today technology now makes it possible for those in control to do this. Don’t think that your friendly local officials will always be in charge of this technical equipment! In the hands of those who chose extreme measures, the possibility is likely to increase. This type of global influence and control, can only lead to an abuse of power on a scale unknown to all of mankind. -Re. 13: 13-18

The Case for a Creator

Image via Wikipedia

    If you’re like most normal people, you hope and pray for better world conditions. For it to improve we need to take charge of our lives. Yet many have never been trained to think that way, and continue to be manipulated. It’s no wonder that those in power continue to take advantage of others, because it’s by design!

   This world’s ruling elites, clique parties, and military dictators have little concern for the people! Lately the masses have become outraged over corruption on all levels of government, and have protested. It has become clear that God is not going to change evil rulers, wicked groups or bad individuals. But if we change how we think, talk and act; God will approve and bless us with peace and hope.

   There has been an increase of crime even in stable countries, and maybe your neighborhoods have gotten worse too. Yet; our lives can still improve by putting faith in our Grand Maker, and living by His righteous standards. In order to accomplish this; we need to believe in our Creator, and learn to practice what expects from us.

   Thus; by listening more closely to our Creator, we can improve our relationship with Him. This will give us “peace of mind”, and joy in life; though things are tough. Until the time comes when God removes the wicked, we need to endure and keep up the faith. Isn’t that a goal worth striving for? It will also add fulfillment in your everyday lives!

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