Archives for category: Police Brutality



People around the globe are “fed up”, with mistreatment from those who have power over them. More of us are better informed, more connected, and intelligent enough to live by higher standards. The question then becomes; if the world’s elites are so educated: “Why are they not acting wisely? For what reason do they behave as if no standards exist? And how long do they think they can gather up all of earth’s resources, before the people are left with nothing?” “The weak, are caught [up] in the schemes… of the arrogant.” -Ps. 10:2

Specific complaints are; militarized control, “special interest” manipulated by lobbyists, tax breaks for millionaires, corporate kick-backs, and government money for ‘Banksters’.  It all amounts to “class warfare”, and one interviewee said; “And we (the people) have lost!” Though world trade is down, in so-called “free countries”, some corporate profits have sky rocketed, and many politicians are fighting vehemently to keep it that way! The development of organizations by women is no surprise; like Citizens United. “Wicked men crave evil, his neighbor gets no mercy.”  -Pr. 21:10

Modern examples of social change shows the disparity between the innocents, and of those who violently rebel. There’s allot more rulers who got into power with guns, than societies being changed through peaceful discourse. Armed conflicts that turned into governments; French Revolution, American Revolution, Mexican Civil Wars, Contra Warfare, Soviet Union’s collapse. There’s been peaceful protesters who’ve been abused by their governments; the Asian movement, “The Arab Spring”, Greek protesters, the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Civil unrest of all sorts will be taking place at once. -Mt. 24:6

In several countries in the middle-east a denial of relations between families is common when religious dialogue occurs. This condition has caused brothers to kill brother; not unlike western Peoples of old. Fighting has broken out between Coptic Christians and Muslim groups; even churches were burnt and Mosques were raided as police have gotten involved. No matter where we live in the world though; it’s important to live according to God’s will. Otherwise we will die at the hands of our own brothers; it can happen to the poor, to students or royals alike! -Hag 2:2

How long can people in positions believe that force is the only way the effect change? Just how can government officials claim that they run a civilized cabinet when they resort to poisonous party discourses and refuse to work out their problems? The world’s rulers can no longer sell its citizens the idea that we’re living in “society”, when only one percent makes all the decisions! What follows next will be on a world scale, not just in a few countries. No government will be able to help another kingdom; they will all be in turmoil! It will be chaos like never before in recorded history, and be more global than the world wars! -Ps. 2:1

There’s been many science fiction writing, and films; one entitled “1984″, with ‘Big Brother’ watching the populous. Today technology now makes it possible for those in control to do this. Don’t think that your friendly local officials will always be in charge of this technical equipment! In the hands of those who chose extreme measures, the possibility is likely to increase. This type of global influence and control, can only lead to an abuse of power on a scale unknown to all of mankind. -Re. 13: 13-18

     Will the Sex Crimes by the World’s

Religions Bring About their End?

UN Headquarters in New York Aiken helped shape...

Image via Wikipedia


     Mankind has advanced enough legally that victims of sex abuse the world over, are now beginning to see some justice come their way. Even the powers of organized religions are staring to bow to the justices for their crimes against women and children raped by members of the churches, temples, and mosques.  –“You reap what you sow.” (Ga. 6:7)

     Forces within the world powers are becoming more vocal about sexual abuses throughout the globe. Even in nations that were rarely criticized, and now the churches themselves have to give an answer for sex crimes and the lack of disclosure to the authorities! Now that people understand that this is an unacceptable, can God’s judgment be nearing its climax?  -“The earth came to the woman’s help.” (Re. 12:16)

    Not only is this heinous crime being perpetuated in so called Christian lands, but now reports from Muslim areas! Men who claim that they are religious have corrupted their positions as; solders police and guards. They’ve captured women; beating and raping them for political reasons. More disturbing is the documentation of abuses in Africa; its many years of the brutal, raping and maiming of even young girls! This happens in the name of all religions, and some of the most terrorizing gangs and militias are in control. –“Good for nothing men, took hold of the virgin girl, having intercourse and abusing her all night. [Later she died and was dismembered.]”  (Ju. 19:22-25)

   Since a greater number of people are able now to understand these issues, the question is: “Will God soon end all religions?” That’s because humankind can now see the fallacy of it, and that they are all false and condemned by man’s Creator. So, the next question is: Are you ready for true worship of God, instead of men’s organized religions?  –“Babylon’s sins have reached the heavens!” (Re. 18:5)

   Efforts by groups around the globe to stem the tide of sadistic sexual acts are starting to effect change. In America, Europe, and now Korea; laws have been put in place protecting to rights of the abused, and the prosecution of sexual crimes mead easier. More work is being done for the brutalized victims in Africa, and Australia is now charging one religiously organized cult for hiding sex abuses. –“YOUR sin will catch up with YOU.” (Nu. 32:23)