Archives for category: True Worship

    Does anyone know of new information on this mystery from the book of Revelation? Some book authors write that it is a political entity, or the world’s commerce. And some religious groups; (like WTB&TS) believe that Babylon the Great represents all false churches, but their own! We think it’s religious groups, and organized churches that go beyond God‘s laws. Please share your thoughts as well; is Babylon the Great only Christendom, or does she represent all major religions?


Whore of Babylon London, British Museum Pen an...
Image via Wikipedia

The Bible calls Babylon the Great, “mother of the harlots.” -Rev. 17

It shows her riding the ten kingdoms, AKA “the Wild Beast” -Rev. 13

She’s whore to kings, and the military is fearful she fell. -Rev. 18

Commerce becomes depressed; their partner is gone. -Rev. 18

    If we don’t want to share in her fate, how serious should we become at leaving her? God says: “Get out!” In the Bible times, Babylon was a kingdom of a thousand temples. Before that a place called Bebel that built a tower to the heavens, later spread false religion around the globe. Also; YHWH God charged ancient Israel with destroying the false worship of Baal. In our common era, Jesus accused the religious leaders of false worship and instructed his disciples to not imitate these hypocrites.

    True worship is therefore; not dictated by religious leaders that speak for their organization. Jesus said to: “Worship God with spirit and truth”, this does not include being subservient to money-making theological schools or corporations. Nor, does this mean that we blindly follow a beloved pastor, as “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” As individuals, families and study groups; it’s imperative that we take responsibility for our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father! The Babylon of all false religion will continue to lead the masses to the same place, destruction!

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“How much longer, Oh God?”


“This blog is about good people coming together, to find the truest form of worship. They don’t like what’s happening in the churches, nor do they trust its preachers. It’s focus is on biblical research to understand, and do the true God‘s will; not that of false priests. Even if many aren’t ‘Christian’, the Bible and Jesus are well-regarded as reputable sources to learn from. Some recoil at this idea, since they know of Christendom’s atrocities and misrepresents Jesus.” …WOE TO THE FALSE SHEPHERDS!

“Yet allot of; Messianic Jews, moderate Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists agree with many of Jesus and the Bibles teachings. That’s why all should come together as one people of humanity to serve Yehuwah God. He’s our Creator, deserves our worship and we should learn the Bible’s basic teachings. The benefits to a united brotherhood and a greater understanding of ‘truths’ will far outweigh any fears associated with the challenge!” …OUR GOD IS ONE GOD!

”This can be easy, though we’ll have to do it without a religious organization. These have proved throughout man’s ages to become corrupt in a short time. So rather than imitating priests, imams, or shamans; we must investigate ‘the truth, about the truth!’ This requires that our studies include more than a search within the Bible, but excluding much of a theological context. These have added many false beliefs over the centuries, and many a historian has called then pagan beliefs and practice! In recent years archaeologists have uncovered more evidence to prove this.” …TRUST IN GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART!

The Case for a Creator

Image via Wikipedia

    If you’re like most normal people, you hope and pray for better world conditions. For it to improve we need to take charge of our lives. Yet many have never been trained to think that way, and continue to be manipulated. It’s no wonder that those in power continue to take advantage of others, because it’s by design!

   This world’s ruling elites, clique parties, and military dictators have little concern for the people! Lately the masses have become outraged over corruption on all levels of government, and have protested. It has become clear that God is not going to change evil rulers, wicked groups or bad individuals. But if we change how we think, talk and act; God will approve and bless us with peace and hope.

   There has been an increase of crime even in stable countries, and maybe your neighborhoods have gotten worse too. Yet; our lives can still improve by putting faith in our Grand Maker, and living by His righteous standards. In order to accomplish this; we need to believe in our Creator, and learn to practice what expects from us.

   Thus; by listening more closely to our Creator, we can improve our relationship with Him. This will give us “peace of mind”, and joy in life; though things are tough. Until the time comes when God removes the wicked, we need to endure and keep up the faith. Isn’t that a goal worth striving for? It will also add fulfillment in your everyday lives!

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